Saturday, October 3, 2015


WOW!  What a start to the day!
So, yesterday I practical ran up the mountain.  This morning, I ran up the remaining 1.9km to the top of the mountain, sprinting past many Peregrinos and summiting to Cruz de Ferro with plenty of time to watch the sunrise.  When the sky was sufficiently lit with its sunrise colors, I had a prayer read aloud by Nancy and placed one of two burdens carefully on the pile, right near the pole.  The second burden, I quietly placed on the pole - our mental parting was yesterday, today was just the physical parting.  I departed the massive rock pile feeling very energized and ready.

Taking one last look out to the east (my past), I turned my attention to the west and the new adventures it will hold.  There was a bit of a dip then a climb back out before stopping at the Thomas the Templar site.  After that, the remainder of the climb back up and then down...  Don't ask me why, but going up and down is very easy, going flat is a pain.  Anyways, I motivated down 900 meters to the valley below practically leaving smoking trails behind.

I bottomed out at Molinaseca, where I had previously had doubts about calling it a day, but just as I arrived into town *KA-BOOM!*...  *BANG*... *BOOM*...  Daytime fireworks (just reports, no display)!  Hey, they heard about Kevin and are announcing my approach to town...  Well, that is what I am telling people at least ;)...  It felt like a grand entrance!  I crossed the old Roman bridge and spotted a nice cafe next to the river below, so I made my way there and waited for Nancy to catch up to me...  It was that cafe, that at first convinced me to start in that town...  Or was that cafe that left a bitter taste in my mouth and convinced me to move on to ponferrada (not bad service, just NO service).

Ponferrada it was decided, and I was glad.  Visited the nights Templar castle (I know there are many of you with interest in the Templars :) )...  It was awesome!  Look at the pictures for a glimpse at it.  Walking around in the inside, you could get a sense for what it must have been like in its heyday.

Smacked down some tapas with some Peregrino friends from California where were recalled how the Camino brought us out of our shells in regards to standing up for oneself (OK, for me it was defendings young lady).

So, I this have noticed this about myself lately - I have a ton more energy, and positive energy.  I feel like a full pot boiling over with excess energy.  Flying up and down paths, bounding around when done for the day, always taking the stairs, never the elevator (even if it involves 4 trips back/forth to the 2nd floor), and I feel giddy like a kid sometimes.  It's like part kid, part young adult with all the energy and drive...  It's pretty awesome!

Anyways, how about a few more random thoughts:
Spanish bathroom lights are all on timers - some are pads you have to push, others switches you have to press, others motion activated...  The ones you touch are easy, the lights go off you tap the switch.  The motion activated are a lot more fun...  You might have to waive an arm or kick a leg out to trigger it...   Which has the potential for dangerous results when a man is standing at the appointed spot and -blink-...  Lights out...  You really done want to me moving too many body parts during this business or you run the risk of missing your target.
Sunrise seems more important to Peregrinos then sunsets, symbolically, it represents a fresh start.
Bedtime is no later then 10, often 8:30...  Wake-up is 6am...  You get over it real quick.
The elderly crowd love Peregrinos.  The younger crowd, particularly the toughest segment, almost fear Peregrinos...  Maybe having already walked 600km says something...  Dunno, but they give you a wide berth when you walk thru.
The Spanish will celebrate anything!  Had a good bowel movement after a few days of being constipated?  Parade and fireworks is in order!

Anyways, it's super late for this Peregrino (private room tonight, no bedtime).

Buen Camino!


  1. Thank you Kevin for delivering our "heart" to Cruz de Ferro. You've been on fire! Love your amazing energy. You're getting ready to kick ass up to O'Cebreiro. . . that day walking up was one of our most profound and beautiful. I wonder how it'll be for you, Super-Peregrino!! Buen Camino, R & K

  2. It is great to hear about how much energy you have. I hope I can keep up with you :) I am very proud of you, honey. And I am happy that you were able to add your burden stone to the pile and thank Nancy for saying a prayer for you. I am getting anxious for you to finish and come home. We miss you. We love you so much. Hope you have a good walk tomorrow. Can't wait to talk with you.
