Tuesday, October 13, 2015


I'M HERE!!!  I MADE IT!!!!!



  1. WHOOOOO-HOOOOOOO! Yippee! Peregrino party on! R & K

  2. WHOOOOO-HOOOOOOO! Yippee! Peregrino party on! R & K

  3. I am so happy for you i am actually crying. I heard your joyous woo hoo all the way over here in Maine.

  4. I am so happy for you i am actually crying. I heard your joyous woo hoo all the way over here in Maine.

  5. Way to go, honey! You made it!! We are so proud of you! And I could hear you yelling out your loud victory yell when we spoke once you reached it this morning. An AWESOME job, honey. We are so happy for your victory. You deserve to celebrate this HUGE accomplishment. And that is so awesome that you got to pray at the Tomb of St. James and that you were able to attend Mass and even got to experience the botafumeiro being flown. What an experience. Were you able to get pictures of it or maybe a video of it? Please tell Nancy, Ray, Melanie, and all the others that made it to Santiago, that I am proud of them too. You all did a GREAT job!! Don't party too much, don't want any of you sick tomorrow. Enjoy some sightseeing tomorrow. We will chat when you get a chance. Hope you get a good night's sleep. Love you so much. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU :)

  6. KUDOS, KUDOS, KUDOS!!! CONGRATULATIONS! We are so happy that you were able to do this GREAT journey. Did you actually believe at first that you were really there doing it? All the planning and preparing for it and it has all paid off! Job well done, honey :)

  7. Way to go buddy, great job!! What's next, the AT?
